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Uncategorized July 22, 2023

Innate Behavior

Writen by admin

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Innate behavior may be defined as genetically inherited neural programs that are a part of the nervous system at the time of birth.

Interestingly, these innate behaviors are performed perfectly the very first time they are exhibited.

For example- A newborn baby will turn to suckle when touched on the cheek near the mouth.

Innate behaviors are beneficial for survival, especially for those who have short lifespans or underdeveloped nervous systems.

All plant behavior are innate behaviors.

Which divide into two types.

Orientation and non-orientation behaviors.

Orientation Behaviors

When an organism changes its position relative to points of specific directions in response to external stimuli, this behavior is known as orientation behavior.

There are two types of orientation behaviors.

Taxis and tropism.


It is a directional movement either towards or away from the stimulus.

Such as light, heat, or chemicals.

For example- Euglena shows positive taxis by moving towards dim light but negative taxis by moving away from intense light.


Tropisms are growth movements related to directional stimuli.

  1. Phototropisms– It is the response to the direction of light for example shoots will grow towards the direction of light but roots will grow away from the direction of light.
  2. Geotropism– It is the response to gravity. For example, roots grow towards the gravity, downwards, meanwhile shoots grow away from the gravity, upwards.
  3. Hydrotropism– Is the movement toward the water.

Non-Orientation Behaviors

In these behaviors, action is not done in response to some stimuli.

These are much more complex than orientation behaviors as they include emotions, sentiments, and habits.


A reflex is an automatic and involuntary response to changes occurring inside or outside the body.

For example, a particle of food touching the windpipe will automatically set off a coughing reflex that can not be suppressed.

Or when you are exposed to intense light, your pupils will automatically dilate.


Innate Behavior. Instincts are unlearned, inherited fixed action patterns of responses or reactions to certain kinds of stimuli.

The term instinct refers to inborn behavior.

As these actions are genetically determined and not replaceable, these are also known as fixed action patterns.

Instincts are complex behavior patterns that like reflexes are inborn.

The entire body of an organism participates in instinctive behavior and an elaborate series of actions may be involved.

For example- The migration of Salmon.

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