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Uncategorized July 18, 2023

Exploring the Drug-Nerve Connection

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Exploring the Drug-Nerve Connection. A narcotic is a group of substances when ingested, they diminish the perception of pain.

As these substances bind to the painkilling sites in the brain, giving a sense of “relief” to the the user.

But not for long, as these substances affect the working and performance of nervous coordination, making the user unable of normal things and tasks.

Common narcotic drugs are heroin, Cannabis, nicotine, and alcohol.


Heroin gives a feeling of euphoria- an intense feeling of joy, along with the relief of pain.

Side effects include nausea, vomiting, respiratory problem, and circulatory problems that can lead to death.


It is the flowering tops, leaves, and stems of the Indian hemp plant Cannabis Sative that includes marijuana and hashish.

It gives a mild feeling of euphoria, along with alterations in vision and judgment.

Intoxication/over-use is recognized by hallucinations, anxiety, and depression.


It is a plant derivative of tobacco.

When nicotine is ingested by means of cigarettes, it is quickly distributed to all body organs.

Nicotine stimulates postsynaptic receptors and increases muscular activity.

It also increases heartbeat rate and blood pressure.


It acts as a depressant and slows down the nervous communication.

Its short-term effects include impairment of vision, judgment, and alertness.

Long-term chronic drinking can damage the nervous system, liver, pancreas, and even development.

Withdrawal symptoms of alcohol

Individuals who eliminate the use of addictive substances suddenly, often feel withdrawal symptoms.

Withdrawal symptoms of alcohol include feelings of anxiety, irritability, headache, hallucinations, and depression.


These are volaille organic chemicals commonly referred to as “glue sniffing”.

Inhalants rapidly feel euphoria followed by central nervous system depression.

Deep breathing of the toxic vapors may result in hallucinations or even death.

Drug Addiction And Tolerance

Drug addiction 

It is a dependence on an illegal drug or a medication.

An addicted individual may want to quit it but most of them find it hard to do it on their own.

Drug tolerance

Exploring the Drug-Nerve Connection. Drug tolerance is a person’s diminished response to the actively ingested or inhaled drug.

The body adapts to the continued presence of the drug and then demands a larger quantity of that drug.

For instance- when nicotine or caffeine is ingested daily, the addicted person has to take larger and larger doses to produce the same effect.

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